Midwest Charm with Anna

Sunday Morning Sips

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If you know me, you know that I love my mornings. Without a doubt, my favorite time of day! I want to share how I’ve been going about my mornings in hopes that it benefits someone else the way that it is benefitting me. I used to wake up, sip my coffee and watch the news. I looooved starting my morning like this, however, it was proving to give me a pretty slow/lazy start to my day. I recently adapted a change and I am loving it. I still wake up early enough to sip my coffee but instead of the tv remote, I reach for my devotional, Jesus Calling. Filled with Scripture and words of encouragement I really enjoy the time I set aside to invest in God. Starting my day with coffee and prayer has been an incredibly beneficial change of pace.

Once I’m done with my coffee, I emerge from my cozy bed and throw on some workout clothes. I grab my Kindle and I head downstairs where fortunately, I have a gym. I don’t do much, but what I have been doing has been very effective. I’ve been walking on the treadmill for 25 minutes as I read my book. I’m currently reading, Uninvited and I am really enjoying it. I started it a few weeks ago and ended up putting it down for a little while. Picking it back up has been a great read as I walk my quick 25 minutes! I then do a little stretching and head back upstairs where I shower, get dressed and start my day. Working from home is amazing but it certainly has it’s challenges. Creating a morning I love, on a stricter time schedule has helped me to start my day on the right foot!

I drop the schedule on the weekends and have been letting them (and plan to continue to let them) take their own shape. It’ll be interesting to see if I keep my weekends flexible or if I adapt some sort of morning routine down the road. Only time will tell!

Xoxo, Anna 

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